Monday, April 9, 2012

After reviewing the material on teamwork prepared by Professor Mitchell, it is clear that there is a lot that goes into a group project.  The effort must be evenly distributed among us as the group members in such a way that we can play off of each others' strengths and weaknesses.  I was especially intrigued by the proposition of establishing a specified meeting time.  This would allow us to work around all three of our busy schedules and to ensure that every member could be present at each meeting, which is even more pertinent due to the fact that Stevie is a commuter student. 

Another piece of advice I find interesting is to take meeting minutes.  I have been to large meetings for various student organizations and have received the "minutes" usually the day afterwards, but I never considered using that concept for a small group project meeting.  I think it makes perfect sense because from my past experience with group projects there is either someone who missed something that was said or forgot what was discussed at a meeting.  Having meeting minutes allows each member to have a written form of what was discussed to refer back to for future questions. 

At this point in the project, the issues I can foresee include delegating tasks and maintaining good time management.  I think all of what I have discussed above can be used to solve these issues.  If we schedule structured meetings and set personal deadlines for ourselves we can have all of our tasks accomplished ahead of schedule which will allow extra time for revision.  The structured meetings will allow for us to create some type of order which will help us to more easily divide the work.  I think it might be a good idea if in lab this week we could designate a weekly time that could work for meetings.

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